Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Day 2
Day 2 blog though actually spent a bit of time every day getting comfortable with the idea and desensitizing so I find my way around more quickly.
Been looking at some of the other Badges in this Digital group and started a couple. Got really frustrated with Thing 7 which is about sourcing materials / resources - instead of just relying on Google. That seemed like a good challenge because we all have our favourite sites so keen to explore SSKS library. However that did not go well because of my 'intermediate' status at the moment - retired from full time work so have no organisation though I am helping one or two on a voluntary basis. I will return to this again because a lot of the information was health based and I was keen to explore some of the mental health items.
But going back to the beginning instead - Thing 2 because that really was the motivation for embarking on this challenge - i.e. how to equip ourselves and staff and young people for the digital world because it just opens up so many possibilities for learning and is cost effective. But only good if each individual is comfortable and knows how to stay safe.

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